Friday, January 22, 2010

A Question of Little Faith

There is an interesting story in the New Testament about the disciples and Jesus being in a storm. It goes like this:

Matthew 8:24-26 (NLT)

Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.

What is so interesting to me about this is what the disciples did.

First, they are in fear of their lives so they turn to Jesus. Why turn to Jesus, what could He do about a storm. As matter of fact they were surprised in the end at what He did, as though that wasn't what they expected. But what did they expect? What were they looking for from Him? A nice sermon about how God made the wind and waters? Were they expecting Him to row? What did they want from Him? I don't know if we can really know. It is obvious that they wanted to be "saved" but what did that mean to them?

Also it is interesting to see the first response of Jesus. “Why are you afraid?" Why were they afraid if they had confidence that Jesus could do something? Were they afraid of the circumstance or afraid that Jesus would not be able to help? Did the Lord expect them to be such spiritual giants so that nothing would make them fear? Or did Jesus understand that they were turning to Him in desperation without really expecting Him to be able to do anything?

Jesus then tells them about their faith. "You have so little faith!” Jesus says, in action, (if I may paraphrase) "You turned to me for your answer but you have little faith!" I have to ask whether this meant that Jesus was expecting them to calm the sea themselves? Why was there faith still small? Is my lesson here to take care of situations with my faith rather than falling back on Christ to do things for me? Am I suppose to use my faith that way?

Another observation here... Is the question of faith vs fear. I have always thought that faith and fear were such opposites, so diametrically opposed, that they could not occupy the same mind. How could someone have faith and fear. So perhaps their fear was as much a problem as having so little faith. Can you have 60% faith and 40% fear?... or 30/70... etc. Apparently we can still fear but have some faith. Is having faith in Jesus enough? Or is God expecting a different kind of faith?

(Jesus apparently didn't have fear in this situation. He was asleep. He must have been exhausted. Or perhaps, the total lack of fear in Him put Him at total rest.)

Why "little faith?" Perhaps they had the measure of faith that the Bible says we all have. Or perhaps Jesus was referring to the fact that they had enough faith to (at least) run to him for help. But if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can move a mountain. What about commanding a storm?

This story peaked my interest but I am not sure why or seem to be more consumed by questions than answers.

Faith, is something we talk about a lot but demonstrate a little. I continually see great opportunities for faith but find that my prayers seem to accomplish little. Is it because of "little faith?"

Yes, I know! Everyone always falls back on the crutch of saying something like: "God answers all prayers!" or "You just may not see Him answer in the way you think He should!" And that is a valid point. I even believe in those statements and have most likely told others those very words. But the issue that I take with that philosophy is this. According to that story Jesus answered the prayer exactly at the time in the way the disciples need it. It was not a gradual calming of the storm, or the stormed "lightened up" just enough that they were able to row to shore. Was that... or should I say "is that..." the kind of faith we could have if we did not have "little faith?" Most of the time Christ spoke it and it happened. Can we do that?

Would great faith speak it and it would be done? (Please bear in mind, that I am always aware of the will of God in every circumstance. This must always be considered.) But how do I get away from little faith. Yes, "faith comes by hearing..." Yes, we are told to have a shield of faith. Yes, a measure of faith is given us and we are told to exercise our faith. But how do we get that "BIG faith?" Little faith seems to be all I can muster. And would Jesus reprimand me?

Another question that arises though: "Do I already have big faith?" Is it a question of the size of my faith or the knowledge of how to use it? Perhaps many of us have great faith but we don't understand how to use it. Many of us certainly have had enough "hearing" to have tons of faith. So is that we don't know how to make faith work?

Illustration: The was once a very complicated machine. Only two men in the world knew enough to fix these machines. As fate would have it, one broke down. One of the repairman was called. When he arrived, he briefly surveyed the situation. He reached in his tool bag took out a little hammer and banged the machine on the side. Suddenly the machine was up and running and it purred like a kitten. A week later the company with the machine received a bill in the amount of $502.00. The CFO was very upset that a process of 5 minutes would cost that amount of money. He decide to call the repairman. "Why," he grumbled, "was your repair bill $502.00? All you did was hit it with a hammer?" The repairman simply replied, "It was only $2.00 for the hit. But $500.00 for knowing where to hit it."

Maybe we don't understand where to "hit" it. Maybe we have the tools but fall short understand how to use them.

This blog is more about questions than answers, but maybe these are some questions God would have us ask. "Ask and it will be given to you..." is what Jesus said.


pburd said...
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pburd said...

Nice Blog Tal. Well designed.